Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Thank you all for your love and support

First, thank you to everyone who has emailed, commented and sent their love. It is so overwhelmingly amazing. We really appreciate it!

I found our photo page we submitted with our adoption application (2.5 years ago!!), so I thought I would post it for those of you who don't know us.. Here we are 2.5 years ago...

Zoe is about 1.5 years old in this picture. She is now 4. But this is what we looked like when we logged our application into China...

And this is what we look like now:

We had a care package sent to Guan today for her birthday. It includes a cake, a pillow with a picture of us, a photo album, and a disposable camera for the nannies to take some pictures for us. The stuff is all sent from within China, so she should have it by next week..

Thanks again for all your support!


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